Unlock the Hidden Power of Taboo: Where Your Forbidden Pleasures Fuel Your Transformation

The Woo Underground Membership: Alternative Healing for Alternative Lifestyles

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Dear Visionary Soul Seeker,

You’re there. At your point of no return.

You feel it in your body - you’re ready to break free from cultural conformity. Every day that feeling grows stronger and the voice inside of you becomes louder: the voice telling you that it’s time to cast off traditional societal expectations and finally live in alignment with your authentic, radical self.

The moment is here.

This is the turning point when everything changes. When you consciously engage in your alternative lifestyle as the conduit for your own growth and expansion.

No fear. No apologies. Your full self, seen and embraced and set free.

Welcome to The Woo Underground - a vibrant, daring, and conscious tribe of souls that genuinely embodies what it means to live and play on the edge of the societal frontier.

The Woo Underground is more than an online community - it's a spiritually-grounded sanctuary that values inclusion in its richest forms, whether that's gender identity or other queer experiences, “dark” kinky desires, or non-traditional relationships. Here, every facet of a person’s identity is acknowledged, welcomed, and explored.

This is your invitation to a life of unparalleled freedom, authenticity, and empowerment. It's time to say YES to your inner rebel and finally embody a life that feels turned on - in joy, pleasure, and sacred purpose.

Your transformative journey starts right here, right now!

Maybe this sounds like you…

You discover a new online community or resource and feel a rush of excitement, hoping that this might be your refuge for uninhibited self-expression. An environment that truly values and understands your unique core beliefs and yearnings.

You begin to daydream of a life where connections and deep, engaging discussions about spiritual growth, out-of-the-box desires, kinks, power dynamics, and interdependence aren't just a pipe dream.

A life where you feel celebrated for your unique identity without any reservations or judgment.

But what's the typical outcome?

You find yourself momentarily intrigued by a few stimulating conversations or interesting content. But before long, the daydream shatters as discussions lose their depth and it becomes clear that they don’t understand you at all, and you're left feeling like a misfit once more - lost and disillusioned - only to retreat back into the dark with longings you feel no one will ever understand or appreciate.

It's not your fault if your search for a supportive, inclusive community has left you feeling overlooked or underwhelmed.

The reality is, most of the communities out there aren't built with you (us) in mind.

They often lack the depth, empathy, or lived experience required to create spaces that bring together spirituality and alternative lifestyles. 

Most online spaces prefer to play it safe, steering clear of topics outside the vanilla, hetero- or amatonormative narrative. 

But imagine having a community built just for you, tailored to your unique blend of interests, where you feel seen, valued, and supported as you navigate your bespoke healing journey...

Because you weren’t forged from a cookie cutter of societal expectations or conventional lifestyle models.

You just weren’t made to blend into typical vanilla communities, at least not without hiding facets of your identity.

You have no interest in dimming your youness just to merge with the crowd.

No wonder then, that these one-size-fits-all spiritual or lifestyle communities fail to meet your thirst for rich connection, co-creation, and authenticity.

But the search ends here!

The Woo Underground

The ONLY online platform thatThe first community of its kind to intersect consciousness, kink, non-traditional relating, and queerness in a cohesive, diverse space!

Crafted especially for the spiritual mavericks, the rule-benders, and the revolutionaries - The Woo Underground Membership is a game-changer.

Feels like a dream, right?

No more feeling like you’re on the outside looking in, disconnected, and misunderstood by people who don’t get you.

But a community that gets your non-conformist vibes and embraces your unconventional spiritual practices.

Just a few clicks into your journey with us, you will...

  • Get unlimited access to a vault of transformative wisdom that seamlessly integrates spirituality and non-traditional lifestyles.

  • Feel personally-guided through radical personal growth with mindful educational materials, thoughtful journal prompts, practical exercises, and guided meditations that will make you feel like you've hit fast-forward on your expansion journey!

  • Be welcomed home to your online safe haven, filled with deep discussions and diverse lifestyle channels that encourage you to express all aspects of self.

All of this might seem like I'm promising the moon and the stars, right? But here's the secret…

I've walked the path myself, adventuring through this beautiful intersection of unconventional lifestyles and spirituality for more than 15 years, and trust me, the transformation has been nothing short of breathtaking.

What’s more - I've had the privilege to guide hundreds of individuals in these communities on this same journey, each person navigating their unique path towards enlightenment, healing, and empowerment.

It's your time to grab the spotlight...
On your own terms

Heads up: Before you even consider navigating spirituality within non-traditional lifestyles on your own, you NEED to know how societal norms can throw a monkey wrench in your transformative journey!

 (Don’t worry, I’ve got you)

Are YOU pumped and ready to plunge into your own radiant and empowering spiritual adventure?

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But you don’t have to take my word for it. Instead, just look at the proof:

If The Woo Underground Membership works so effectively for these self-healers, just envision what it can accomplish for YOU!

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So what the hell is included in this oasis of transformation?

Monthly Healing Themes - A Journey Within:

VALUE: $297 per month

Know Yourself More Deeply: Plunge into the world of your Shadow Self and let yourself be guided on an explorative journey into the lesser-known corners of your identity that help you embrace these repressed and fragmented parts of you.

  • Embark on a voyage of Consciousness and be led through the complex labyrinth of human awareness, paving the way for a more profound understanding of yourself and the universe.

  • Invite Pleasure and Play into your life with fun-fueled strategies to sprinkle more laughter, bliss, and spontaneity into your everyday life.

  • Unearth How Your Body Stores Memories and shed light on the fascinating link between your trauma, your brain and body, and your emotional experiences.

  • Gain insights into Nervous System Regulation with hands-on techniques to re-regulate from stress, anxiety, and emotional storms.

  • Open the door to a myriad of other ongoing and expansive monthly themes and topics, ensuring an all-encompassing, holistic journey into the realms of spirituality, radical wholeness, and how they intersect with alternative lifestyles.

Bespoke Communities

VALUE: Invaluable

Custom-Tailored Advice: Personal wisdom and actionable game plans to align your spiritual path with your unique lifestyle, guiding you on your distinctive journey with confidence.

  • Sanctuary for Full Expression: The online community is your safe haven to voice your thoughts and experiences. A no-judgment, all-understanding atmosphere that fosters openness and real connections.

  • A Pool of Shared Wisdom: Soak up the diverse insights and experiences from your fellow community members in a collaborative vibe sparks those 'aha!' moments.

  • Organic Accountability Partnership: With the structure of group sharing, you'll make steady and real progress, inspiring you to stay dedicated to your personal growth, supercharging your motivation and, upping your transformation game.

Voyages into Zen and

VALUE: $37 per month

Dive Deep into Calm: The Woo Underground’s monthly guided meditations are your personal Zen masters, helping you to release what no longer serves you, opening you to a wave of internal and external alignment, and cellular expansion.

  • Power Up Your Self-Knowledge: Every meditation and journey becomes your guide to self-discovery, amplifying your understanding of your emotions, thoughts, and behavior patterns.

  • Boost Your Emotional Fitness: Regularly tuning in to meditations and journeys is like a gym workout for your emotional health, supporting you as you release feelings of fear, sadness, and not-enoughness.

  • Deepen Your Spiritual Bond: Be led on spiritual adventures designed to connect you more deeply with your spiritual core that open up new realms of understanding and empathy within you.

  • Ignite Personal Growth: With crystal-clear insight into your inner self, you're all set to foster personal growth and development, setting the stage for becoming the best version of you.

Group Coaching Support

VALUE: $997 per month

Personalized Learning Experience: With dedicated spaces for all things kinky, non-traditional relationships, queerness, and spiritual practices you have the power to shape your healing journey based on your own interests and needs. This tailored approach means your learning will be relevant, captivating, and deeply impactful.

  • Worldly Wisdom: Our diverse spaces offer an array of perspectives and teachings that can stretch your understanding of yourself and the universe. This heightened awareness is a supercharged boost for your personal growth and fosters a more holistic perspective.

  • Power of the Pack: These spaces are your invitation to bond with folks who are on the same wavelength as you, who get your experiences and interests. The strength that comes from aligned community gives you both emotional backup and a vibrant exchange of ideas to ignite your spirit.

  • Safe Zone for Discovery: Each curated space on our platform: QUEER-ville, KINK-opolis, LOVE-topia, and WOO-verse offer a compassionate and creative environment where you can dig into sensitive and intricate topics. This judgment-free zone fosters curiosity, promotes self-love, and empowers you to fully embrace and delve into your one-of-a-kind identity.

How much does it cost, though...?

You've may have come across other memberships claiming to offer similar experiences asking $500, $800, even a dramatic $1000 a month.

Private coaching sessions or exclusive spiritual retreats cost a neat couple grand, and even then, they may not encompass the diversity of topics, the expansive knowledge, or the comforting and inclusive community support that The Woo Underground Membership promises. 

And let's not forget, traditional therapy often fails to comprehend the beauty of your alternative lifestyle, leaving you feeling unsupported misunderstood.

I think that life-altering experiences and a supportive tribe shouldn't cost a fortune.

Your subscription into this unique platform and its warm, one-of-a-kind community is only $44 a month (6-month minimum). And if you pay for a full year, even that unheard of offering drops to $33/mo.

Isn't it worth $44 a month to have instant access to a authentic community, custom-crafted educational material, and engaging support that truly resonates with your life path?

I bet it is.

Click the button below and make your way home to us.

Instant Access | 7 Day Money Back Guarantee

Act Now and You’ll Also Get This Sexy Bonus Suite Absolutely FREE!

  • Self Growth Through Conscious Kink Interview (Valued at $9)

  • ​EQ for Conscious Pervs E-Book (Valued at $7)

  • ​The Body's YES and NO e-Guide (Valued at $22)

  • ​Say YES to Yourself Challenge (Valued at $22)

  • Love Languages for Self-Care e-Guide (Valued at $11)

  • The Art of Interdependent Relating E-Book (Valued at $22)

  • Kink Fundamentals for submissives E-Book (Valued at $9)

  • PLUS Access to the vault of all our past healing themes, activations, guided journeys, and MORE

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

If you've ever craved to discover your power in your unconventional lifestyle and bond with fellow free spirits, then The Woo Underground Membership is your ultimate compass guiding you to that treasure island.

Instant Access | 7 Day Money Back Guarantee

PLUS... You've got a Risk-Free Hall Pass for a Full 7 Days!

Go on, dip your toes into The Woo Underground Membership without a worry in the world. Immerse yourself in the river of resources and welcoming community.

Bask in the transformative experience and the enriching connections for an entire week. If for any reason you're not beaming with satisfaction and delicious delight – if The Woo Underground Membership isn’t the eye-opening, tribe-boosting platform we've painted it to be, simply drop us an email for a complete, prompt, and friendly refund.

And just to show our appreciation for giving The Woo Underground Membership a go, you can KEEP all the BONUS goodies and wisdom nuggets you've collected during your membership!

It's impossible to be more generous than that, so come on over and join us in The Woo Underground Membership now…

Meet Sharon Marie Scott

I’m a queer, kinky, relationship rebel
who is passionate about helping conscious people in alternative lifestyles live lives of radical authenticity and sovereignty.

For years, I’ve been an alternative lifestyles educator and community leader in my local queer, polyamory, swinging, kink/BDSM, and spiritual communities.

I feel like these practices, as well as the last 25 years as a writer and creator for comic books, video games, and other media has made me a student of life, and of people - their aspirations, their wounds, their ghosts, their motivations...

Everyone’s story is unique, but my personal experience has shown me that the hero’s journey of self-love and rebirth is universal.

Let Me Show You How to Turn Personal Growth into a Guilty Pleasure

If you grab hold of this opportunity right now, your exclusive investment is a mere $69 - but remember, this stellar offer could evaporate without notice. So, don't hold back. Tap that 'Join Now' button below this very instant, because you're wholly deserving of unearthing the powerful transformation and acceptance that comes with a spirited, like-minded community!

Instant Access | 7 Day Money Back Guarantee

Consider the life you've been daydreaming about daily, the one you've been too apprehensive to live out loud.

Imagine transforming those dreams into your reality, finally embracing your unique spiritual journey, and immersing in an alternative lifestyle that genuinely resonates with your inner self. All of this is just a click away.

This is your moment to shift from dreaming to doing, so make it count.

Let's start this extraordinary journey together.

Yours in Wholeness,
Sharon Marie Scott 


Welcome to Our Frequently Asked Questions

We know that embarking on a new journey, especially one as personal as a spiritual quest intertwined with alternative lifestyles, can spark a plethora of questions. That's absolutely okay - we're here to clarify any doubts or concerns you may have. We've gathered some of the most common queries prospective members have about The Woo Underground Membership. Our aim is to provide transparent, thorough responses that help you make an informed decision about joining our community. If you can't find the answer to your question here, please don't hesitate to reach out to us directly. We're always here to assist you!

  • Yes, absolutely! You have the freedom to cancel your membership anytime you wish. We just need 24 hours notice to process your cancellation.

  • Yes, we offer a full, cheerful refund if you're not completely satisfied within the first 7 days of your membership. After that period, refunds are not available, but remember, you can cancel anytime with a 24-hour notice.

  • We use Circle for our membership platform. We chose Circle over other options like Facebook due to the censorship issues that can hinder open and honest discussion. On Circle, you're free to be your most glorious, unfiltered self!

  • Absolutely! We understand that some of our members might prefer to keep their identities private. Feel free to sign up with a pseudonym or incognito name. We value your comfort and safety above all else.

  • Yes, 100%! The Woo Underground Membership is a warm, accepting, and inclusive space that embraces all identities, orientations, and expressions. We believe in the importance of diversity, and we celebrate the unique perspectives and experiences that each member brings to our community.

  • Absolutely! Our membership caters to both beginners and veterans in the realm of alternative spirituality. We have resources, discussions, and exercises suitable for all levels. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, you'll find immense value here.

  • The Woo Underground Membership offers a variety of content including educational material, group healing, guided meditations, and monthly led healing themes. These resources aim to provide a holistic approach to understanding and exploring your spiritual journey.

  • Very! We highly encourage our members to engage in discussions, share their insights, and learn from each other. The community aspect of The Woo Underground Membership is one of its most enriching features.

  • We offer a 7-day satisfaction guarantee. This allows you to dive into the resources, engage with the community, and see if it resonates with you. If it isn't what you expected, you can request a full refund within those first 7 days.

  • New content is added regularly! We continually strive to provide fresh, relevant material to keep our members engaged and foster ongoing learning. From group coaching sessions to meditations and themed topics, there's always something new to explore.

P.S. Get ready to dive deep! 

There's no better value, no more potent way to plunge into the heart of alternative spirituality and weave life-changing bonds. That's not just a promise; it's our iron-clad guarantee. So, don't just dip your toes - cannonball into this transformative journey, risk-free!

You're one click away from discovering the power, acceptance, and genuine understanding within a community that truly resonates with your unique spirit. Seize the moment. Ignite the change. You've got this!

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Still unsure? Have Questions? DM me here to get answers